Math learning looks different in the year 2021, with so many children continuing to learn virtually. Some children have experienced significant learning loss between March of 2020 and today. If your child is facing standardized tests or simply falling behind, they may need to learn math fast.
Luckily, the best way to learn math fast is through fun and creative engagement! A combination of hands-on activities and math learning websites can make a huge difference for struggling students. You don’t need to be a mathematician to help your child grasp new concepts.
Ready to find out how to learn math fast? Read on to learn eight dynamic ways to engage learners that will help even the most complex concepts click!
1. Learn Math Online
Kids are digital natives, and some of them feel more at home when working on an app than they do in the classroom. Even old-fashioned flash games can be a more compelling alternative to worksheets, with motivating rewards built-in. A source like derivita is a great way to start.
2. Try Real-World Problems
Some kids can’t connect to mathematical concepts because they feel like they have no application in real life. It’s amazing how hard students will work when given a compelling problem to solve that matters. How can you harness their curiosity to make math more meaningful and encourage engagement?
3. Present a Buffet of Manipulatives
Developmentally, some children need physical representations to understand complex mathematical concepts related to quantity. They need to touch and manipulate objects to understand. Sometimes all it takes to help students engage is the right tool, so consider presenting a variety of math tools to see what sticks.
4. Let Them Play
Children learn best through meaningful interaction with the world, and much of that interaction is through play. If a child doesn’t seem developmentally ready for a certain concept, they may need more time to play with the concepts they understand. How can you incorporate games and activities that allow them to freely engage with those concepts?
5. Offer Rewards
The intrinsic desire to learn isn’t always enough for struggling students. A sticker chart and prize box can sometimes be enough to inspire your reluctant learner to work up to his or her potential.
6. Make Math the Reward
Likewise, making math itself the reward can help students to see math in a new light. Consider assigning sudoku as an early finisher activity, or rewarding hard work with time spent playing online math games.
7. Build It Into the Day
What if math time always started with individualized fact practice? Does your child have time to practice and review built into their daily routine? Sometimes all you need to do is make learning a priority.
8. Embrace Strengths
Sometimes kids just aren’t math people – because they’re readers, or artists, or athletes. How can you engage creativity or whole-body learning? Are your students reading about math or only doing practice problems?
Engage your reluctant learner by bringing in the things they love. Math is everywhere, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t show them that!
You Can Learn Math Fast!
Math learning relies on the same systems as any other learning. Novelty and fun go a long way toward helping new concepts to stick! Consider implementing one or more of these tips at home and you’ll see how easy it can be to learn math fast! Did this article help you out? Why stop reading now? Check out the rest of the blog for more practical tips that you can apply to your life today!