Repeated studies show that blonde hair in females induces the highest response of physical attraction. About 30% men think women with blonde hair is quite sexy and attractive. That’s not fresh news. And that’s why blonde hair is so popular. When it comes to wigs, I have more reasons to persuade you to wear blonde wigs.
Why blonde wigs?
Natural Looking
Blonde wigs are very natural looking. You don’t need to bleach the knots because the hair color is already light enough. No worry about big black dots on your scalp. You always can trust a blonde wig for a natural hairline and part.
Good Quality
Only good quality black hair that has not been chemically processed can be bleached to pure blonde color. The lighter the hair color is, the better the hair quality is. Be aware that synthetic hair might be mixed in the real blonde human hair from some dishonest sellers. Other than that, blonde hair is very good hair.
Blonde hair is very light and easy to absorb darker dyeings. When you are tired of the blonde, play with it. Dye it to green, red, purple, blue, yellow, ginger, grey, brown, black…… or any color you like. Dye the hair thoroughly or partially like lowlights or ombre effects. Time to use your imagination and test your DIY skills.
For Most Occasions
Blonde hair colors are easy to meet all dress codes for office work, street styles, joyful parties and relaxing vacations as smart as black hair. In addition, blonde hair gives your a sense of high-end.
Popular Blonde Hair Colors
In the wig market, there are a few popular blonde shades. #613 blonde is quite popular among dark complexion ladies. Platinum blonde is right for all skin tones. Honey blonde is beautiful on medium skin tones with darker eyes. You can find out the best blonde shades matching your skin and customize the special color for you.
How to maintain blonde human hair wigs?
Washing blonde wigs is like you washing other wigs. Brush the hair before wetting it. Don’t use deep clean conditioner to avoid making the hair get too dry. Pay attention to one more point, that is, wash a blonde wig separagely and avoid washing it with other wigs in case it get colored during the washing process.
As a standing dish, don’t rub the hair with a towel when drying the hair. Instead, cover the hair with a towel and squeeze it to help the towel to absorb the water. Again, to avoid the hair to be colored, a white towel is the best choice. Always use yoru finger or a wide-tooth comb if you want to comb the wet hair. Though you can blow dry blonde human hair wig, it would be better to have it dried naturally on a wig stand.
Since the blonde hair was bleached during the production, it’s very important for you to use professional wig conditioners to keep the hair sleek and easy to comb, especially after each washing. Leave-in conditioners are also a good way to help make the hair smooth when the hair is dry.
How to get a blonde wig?
Getting a blonde wig at your local store guarantees you will pay for a satisfied one. Getting a blonde wig from an online wig store saves you money a lot. Getting blonde hair weaves and lace closures or frontals and making the wigs by yourself will save you a lot and give you wig unique.
Having read all of the above content, will you get a blonde wig now?