The Best Indoor Plants for Your PG Room

A new city, a new home. That’s how you think of your PG room before you move in. You have so many expectations of cool new roommates, a great vibe and culture, and creating a space that’s uniquely yours. And then you actually walk into your room and find it… blank. That’s right, most PG rooms tend to be four white walls and basic furniture. And you must find a way to give it an upgrade. After all, if your PG in SFS Nagar doesn’t look and feel like a place where you belong, you won’t be happy. And that’s why we have a suggestion for you. Decorate your PG room with some indoor plants for an au naturel way of upgrading its look. These spots of sunshine will add life to your space (literally) and make you feel a lot more comfortable. Plus, there are all kinds of benefits to having indoor plants in your room – from reducing stress to improving air quality. And they’re quite inexpensive to get and maintain too. So, here’s a list of some of our favorite indoor plants for you to check out Buy rare plants online.


Spend a lot of time out of your room and don’t have the patience for a finicky plant? Pothos is the right choice for you because this is one plant that doesn’t need much attention. Even if your room doesn’t get much sunlight, pothos plants will stay healthy and grow well. But make sure you don’t leave it in front of an open window as too much sun can kill it. Don’t worry about how often you need to water this shrub as it can go days before drying up completely and only needs a refresher when the soil is completely dry. And if you’re looking for a plant that you and your friends can grow together, pothos is ideal as it’s easy to replant through clippings.

Lucky bamboo

If you’re not fully confident in your skills as a plant parent, lucky bamboo is the plant for you. This plant is virtually indestructible and can grow in low light, bright light, and even water. It’s typically displayed in a glass jar with some decorative rocks that will look really good on your desk, but you can even grow it in the soil if you want to make a plant collection. Lucky bamboo will grow fuss-free for about two weeks which is when you should change the water to prevent algae growth. Who knows, this might just be the luck you need to master your gardening skills!


This is a slightly lesser-known option when it comes to hostel room plants but in our opinion, it’s highly underrated. Hoya plants have waxy leaves and gorgeous aromatic flowers that will create a natural perfume for your room. This is a perfect plant if your hostel doesn’t allow scented candles and you’re looking for a regular dose of aromatherapy. Light is the only requirement that this hardy plant has, it loves bright light and can even withstand direct sunlight. And yes, it will survive if you head out of your hostel for a weekend as it’s a very drought-resistant plant. Water this one only when the soil is completely dry.


You probably already know about succulents from their popularity on Instagram and Pinterest, and there’s a reason that these small plants are so popular. If you’re looking for a low-maintenance plant that you can pretty much forget about, succulents are the answer. You can choose from over a hundred different varieties and set them up against a window so that they receive regular sunlight. Succulents don’t love water, so they’ll be fine even when you’re busy cramming during exam season and forgetting to hydrate your plants (but hopefully not yourself).


If your landlord won’t allow you to put up wallpaper to brighten up your room, a few ivy plants on a high shelf could be your solution. This super-fast growing vine is great to create a cascading ivy wall in your room. All you need to do is place a few stems near your ceiling or in a hanging planter and in a couple of weeks you’ll see the magic in action. This is another plant that doesn’t need much TLC so you can water it every 2-3 days or when the soil becomes dry. Traditionally ivy plants are green, but you can even find them in white or other colors if you want to match the decor of your room.

Spider plant

Your PG room probably isn’t big enough for some indoor palm trees, so why not try the table-top version? Spider plants are smaller, easier to maintain, and have uniquely striped leaves that will catch any eye. The perfect addition to your desk or bookcase and they don’t even need a lot of sunlight to survive. They do tend to grow very fast, so don’t be afraid to trim them or cut off any brown spots that form on the leaves. A tip from us: this plant tends to get overwatered as the roots retain liquid well so place a drainage plate under your pot to cut out that risk.

Snake plant

Got a lot of empty floor space in your room? The tall and variegated leaves of the snake plant could be just what your PG in Gopal Pura needs. You can get away with watering it once every two or three weeks, only when the topsoil is completely dry, so it’s ideal for those folks who don’t spend a lot of time in their rooms. This is a plant that likes shady corners and not too much sun, so you can place it wherever you have space in your room.

Even if you’re worried about not having a green thumb, these indoor plants are low maintenance and will survive a bit of neglect. And if you’re a little creative, you won’t have to splurge a ton on pots and planters. Just DIY them out of some of your old mugs, jars, or even books, for a quirky and personalized touch. So, why not try something new and give your PG an environmentally friendly new look? Once you’ve seen for yourself how indoor plants can make your room come alive, you’ll be grateful for taking our advice. So what are you waiting for? Start plant shopping!

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