Pros of Going to Drug and Alcohol Rehab vs. Alcohol Rehab. Why the Former is Better

When thinking of a rehab center, most people find it difficult to choose whether to attend a drug and alcohol rehab or a strict alcohol rehab. One of the major benefits of a combined rehab is that you get to enjoy more benefits compared to one that strictly specializes in one addiction. Below we look at the pros of going to drug and alcohol rehab instead of alcohol rehab.

A Drug and Alcohol Rehab Is More Holistic.

Drug rehabilitation treats dependence on psychoactive substances, including street drugs, prescription drugs, and alcohol. Generally, most alcoholics use other drugs, a factor that may not be incorporated in a purely alcohol rehab’s scope. A drug and rehabilitation center, on the other hand, factors in all these possibilities since they are common, making it a better option.

Rehabs are More Equipped

When treating alcoholism and drug abuse, the approach is the same, but the treatment is different. After determining what the patient needs, the next step is to determine the pharmacological component since most addictions have one. There are different drugs for alcohol addiction, opiate addiction, and other addictions

For a person addicted to alcohol and using other substances such as cigarettes, it becomes easy to find a concrete solution in a drug and alcohol rehab. Alcohol rehab may not have different professionals to handle these other addictions. They may also not be well equipped with non-alcohol-related drugs, which are crucial in treating these other addictions.

Dual Diagnosis

50% of the people admitted to addiction treatment centers have a dual diagnosis. Compared to the general population, the prevalence of anxiety and mood disorders is twice in most addicts. Other disorders often diagnosed with substance use include personality disorders, psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia, eating disorders, and mood disorders such as depression.

Dual diagnosis treatment is very key since it arrests other issues in time. Alcohol rehab may most likely direct all their efforts towards alcohol treatment. However, an alcohol and drug rehab is more likely equipped to deal with all these other disorders. They are also likely to do a dual analysis compared to an alcoholic rehab. Such diagnosis also ensures effective treatment for both conditions

Most rehab centers are not well equipped to treat these co-occurring disorders. However, most drug and alcohol centers have psychologists, psychiatrists, trauma specialists, among other related professionals, to handle any eventuality and the many different cases since they specialize in different addictions.

Learn More about Other Addictions

At a drug and alcohol rehab, you learn more about other addictions besides alcoholism. This includes addiction to prescription and other street drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and cannabis. You also learn about triggers, environments, habits, and sensory experiences that trigger substance craving. This can be any substance since the center treats a variety of addictions. This information goes a long way in educating you about alcohol addiction and how to avoid the other drugs that you have not explored already.

Whether you opt for a combined rehab or a pure alcohol rehab, remember the end goal is a successful treatment. However, drug and alcohol rehab has many advantages since it’s most likely to handle even other addictions and disorders that may be diagnosed at the rehab center. Due to the diverse nature of the center, they are most likely to easily figure out other conditions compared to alcohol rehabs.

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