A basement is an important section of a house. It contains the furnace, water heater, and other essential utilities. It can flood in heavy rains or if the sump pump malfunctions if it’s not adequately insulated and waterproofed. A flooded basement can significantly damage your home and cause significant health risks from mold spreading in your house.
Therefore, knowing some of the possible causes of a flooded basement can be significant in protecting your home from such damage and preventing the spread of mold.
The most likely causes of a flooded basement include:
1. Leaky plumbing
This is the most likely cause. If you have leaks in your septic system or even elsewhere in your house, flooding will occur. Your sump pump may malfunction and not pump effectively, water will leak through your foundation, or you might have a faulty drain pipe catching sediment or roots. This is a significant plumbing problem requiring you to contact local experts immediately.
2. The drainage system for the house is not in shape
If your house does not have a proper drainage system, water will have nowhere to go and sit around. When it rains, you may find that your basement floods much faster than usual. You should ensure that there is no debris or clogging in the pipes and ensure the drainage system outside of your house is working effectively. This can be done by hiring a few local experts to inspect the situation and provide solutions for you.
3. Mold is growing too much or very close to the basement area
Mold was the leading cause of flooded houses after Hurricane Katrina. You can prevent it by keeping your basement well-ventilated and having the proper ventilation system to help keep mold growth away.
4. The basement is above a damp area
If your basement is above such areas, the chances are that it will start to flood quickly when it rains. This may be due to pipes in the wall or a clogged drain pipe under your house. You can choose to have this section of your house raised.
5. Leaking roof flashing is still in your house
Exhaust fans are specially made to help remove water from the roof and keep it dry inside the building. If you don’t have one, ensure your roof is well-fitted with such devices and checked regularly for leaks. You can also consider hiring a specialist who can assist you in installing a quality flashing system in your home.
6. The basement is below the ground level
If your basement is below a shallow area and is not protected by an adequate waterproofing system, the chances are that it will start to flood as water will flow towards it from surrounding areas. You can prevent this type of scenario by accepting soil that has been tested and proven not to leak into your home.
7. You have a leaking sewer pipe under your house
If you have a toilet or a kitchen sink that leaks once in a while, it will eventually cause significant damage to your basement. It’s best to hire experts who inspect the pipes and make proper repairs.
8. The basement is not adequately waterproofed
The waterproofing system is one of the most critical components in your house. If the area is not sufficiently hydrophobic, water may slowly seep into your house and fill up the basement over time. The basement needs to be fully waterproofed to prevent problems such as this from occurring. It is highly recommended that you hire a professional who can inspect the situation and give you repair recommendations.
9. The foundation of the house is incorrectly installed
If your foundation isn’t well-fitted and installed correctly, it may leak once in a while. A professional contractor should inspect your home’s foundation, verify the section of your house above it and recommend appropriate fix-ups before any damage can occur.
10. There are cracks in your cement basement floor
Cracked cement basement floors are dangerous, as water can seep into the cracks and damage your floor. A professional plumber may assist you in repairing the cracks to prevent water damage and flooding.
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11. Clogged Gutter
A clogged gutter may cause a lot of damage to your home, primarily if a heavy downpour occurs. The excess water will sit in your gutter and eventually flood into the basement. Therefore, it is essential to clean your gutters and ensure that there are no clogs.
Next time you encounter a flooded basement, take the necessary precautions by hiring local experts who can fix the problem and prevent any future flooding.