5 Common Dental Procedures Provided by Dentist Bellaire

Your mouth is one of the essential parts of your body. If you neglect it, you can develop some severe health problems in the future. Dental care and teeth cleanings are critical to a healthy mouth and an overall healthy lifestyle. Visit David B. Fisher D.D.S. if you are considering any of these procedures. 

Five standard dental procedures that all patients should know about:

1. Cleanings:

Dental cleaning is the most common procedure that patients undergo. It involves thoroughly scrubbing all of your teeth with a special toothbrush and paste. This removes all of the plaque and tartar buildups over time.

If you do not have regular cleanings, the plaque and tartar will continue to build and eventually harden into a substance known as calculus. Unfortunately, calculus can only be removed through an invasive dental procedure called scaling, which is very uncomfortable for the patient.

If you start getting cleanings early in life, you should not have to deal with any significant problems such as gum disease or tooth decay later down the line.

2. Fillings:

A filling procedure is used to fill in a hole created in a tooth by either decay or trauma. The most common type of filling is made from composite resin, a plastic material that matches the color of your teeth.

Other materials used for fillings include gold, silver, porcelain, and inlays/Onlays.

A filling is a very common procedure that most patients will need at some point during their lifetime. This shows how important it is for you to properly take care of your teeth by brushing twice daily and flossing once per day.

3. Extractions:

An extraction is a procedure used to remove a tooth from the mouth. This may be necessary if the tooth has been damaged beyond repair or causing pain and discomfort.

The most common extractions are surgical, which involve making an incision in the gum tissue and removing the tooth manually. However, other extractions can be performed, such as an extraction under anesthesia. This procedure involves making a small incision in the gums or numbing it with local anesthesia before removing the tooth.

4. Root Canal Therapy:

A root canal is a procedure used to remove the infected pulp from the inside of your tooth. The pulp acts as the “blood supply” for your teeth, which provides nutrients and minerals to help keep them strong.

When bacteria build up in the base of a tooth and start attacking its roots, the pulp becomes infected. This can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort, as well as swelling and inflammation.

5. Dentures/Implants:

A denture is a removable dental appliance that is used to replace missing teeth. It is made from either plastic or metal and fits over the gums.

Implants are a type of denture that is surgically implanted into the jawbone. This provides a more permanent solution than a traditional denture. You may check the Invisalign teeth procedure cost online. 

If you are suffering from any dental problem, including missing teeth or an infection in your mouth, contact us today for a free consultation. We will help determine the appropriate treatment best suited to your unique needs and concerns!

In conclusion, dental care and routine cleanings are vital for overall health. Make sure to brush your teeth twice per day, floss once every 24 hours, and visit the dentist for regular checkups to stay healthy!

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