6 Ways to Get More Views on YouTube Videos

There are three main ways to get more views on YouTube videos. The first and most obvious way is to make more videos, which will help you build up your page’s subscribers and engagement metrics. The second way is to create better content, including videos that are more engaging and shareable, and not to mention, contact First Page for YouTube ads.YouTube has become a powerful marketing tool for businesses of all sizes. But, when you’re just getting started, it can be hard to get your videos noticed. Here’s this list of 6 ways to get more views on YouTube videos.

  1.   Make More Videos

The first step is obvious: make more videos! The first video in your channel should be a high-quality intro video (think “20 seconds”) that introduces the audience to your brand and explains what you do. You don’t want viewers to click away before they get an idea about who you are or what your business does. Make sure that people know about your channel and link back to it when possible (and tell them where).

The best way for people to find your channel is by searching for it on Google or simply typing “YouTube” into the search bar at the top of the page — but even if they don’t use those search terms, they’ll still see a link back to your channel by default when they land on any YouTube-related page (such as this one!).

  1.   Make your video truly compelling.

If you’re trying to get more views on YouTube videos, you need to make sure that your video is compelling for viewers. People don’t just want to watch a video because there’s nothing else on TV or because they have nothing better to do — they want something that will make them excited about watching it and will keep them watching until the end. They’ll continue watching if they find something rewarding in what they’re watching, so make sure that whatever content you’re putting out does just that!

  1.   Put links in the description

YouTube has an auto-play feature, which plays a video for you even if you’re not logged in. This can be annoying, but if you put a link in the description it will show up when people click on your video.

  1.   Add annotations

You can add annotations to your video that link back to other videos and websites. These will help your audience find more information about what they’re watching, which gives them a reason to keep watching.

  1.   Use keywords

You should always use keywords in your titles and descriptions because Google sees these as opportunities for better search results. If you want people to find your videos organically (without using keywords), try using hashtags as well.

  1.   Add a Call-to-Action (CTA)

The biggest reason YouTube videos don’t get views is that they don’t have a clear call to action. If you want to boost your video’s engagement, you need to make sure that viewers know how they can interact with it.

A CTA is a link or button that tells viewers what they need to do next, like subscribe, share, or leave a comment. The more obvious the link is from the video, the more likely people will click it.

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