Since January of this year, we have been observing how digital currencies have decreased in price, which is worrying for many investors.

There is no doubt that we are entering a crucial stage for cryptocurrencies, some btc trader is they called as crypto winter, a set complicated by the constant drop in the prices of digital assets, and it is not easy to operate with so much pressure in terms of the decrease in value of these financial instruments.

There are many scenarios that will be handled at the end of June according to speculation about the crypto ecosystem’s fate.

Some assume that it is the most unfavorable fall that digital currencies have had. In contrast, others consider a more optimistic scenario where recovery could be the next step in Bitcoin prices.

Uncertainty governs the digital financial market and generates doubts among its users and followers since this decline is not over.

How to protect our digital currencies in the fall stage?

The drastic movements in the price of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have generated great confusion among investors since all types of investors who hope to obtain at least some benefit from this challenging phase converge in a dangerous scenario.

The intention is to capitalize on investments with timely decision-making and adapt to the context of a crypto crash, where the protagonist just a month ago was Terra after its resounding fall, which generated greater tension and uncertainty.

To this is added the decision of the Celsius company, which was found in the complex situation of freezing the withdrawals of cryptographic funds pending an improvement in the cryptographic climate, assuming that a change in trend could favor its balances and disappear a possible idea of bankruptcy, where many would have been affected.

This situation added to the instability that stablecoins have shown can be quite confusing not only for those who are just entering the digital financial market but also for those experienced who have also been surprised by the various behaviors of digital currencies.

At this time, the best suggestion to protect digital assets is to make prudent and safe investments; let us remember that it is not the first time that Bitcoin has drastically fallen in price; we have seen periods in which its percentage of price decrease is much higher to the current one touching almost 86%

After every fall comes recovery, it may be slow and constant as it may be quick and definitive.

In these periods of falling cryptocurrency prices, long-term investors prefer to invest and store their digital currencies pending the recovery of the digital market.

An idea that does not sound so far-fetched since the decrease in the price of any asset can always be profitable.

Indicators pointing to a better stage for Bitcoin

Everything may seem murky, or sometimes many say that the scenario is the worst that the digital financial market has experienced for the number of months waiting for a recovery, but there is always an optimistic scenario.

Such is the case of some indicators that contribute to evaluating the current situation of Bitcoin and being able to forecast possible changes in favor of cryptographic investments.

One of these indicators is the NUPL, which measures the number of gains or losses of cryptocurrency investors; it defines the possible opportunities that could be taken advantage of in the significant falls of the cryptographic market.

This indicator currently shows the mobilization of long-term investors or whales preparing for the accumulation of cryptocurrencies, similar to the accumulation phase that later leads to the distribution phase.

With a somewhat encouraging outlook but uncertain, digital currencies are undergoing drastic changes.

The other indicator is the rainbow indicator, which shows that when cryptocurrency halving occurs, these changes are usually generated in the market, but with the sure possibility that it changes for the benefit of users.

The cryptographic ecosystem is entirely changed. During crises and complicated stages of the world economy, many tend to keep their Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies to obtain their benefits on a large scale later.

The best recommendation is not to invest what you are not willing to lose; volatility is not a gambling game; it is a capital that is destined to be able to capitalize on it, not to take unexpected risks.


There may be a soon change in the trends of cryptocurrencies and their capitalization, which is why it is pretty reasonable to make well-analyzed investments; it is essential to know the functioning of the digital investment ecosystem and make the appropriate decisions there.

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