Is It Safe To Have Cosmetic Tattoos?

Do certain situations like poor eyesight and shaky hands make it difficult for you to use cosmetics, your lipsticks, and even your eyeliner? Are you too busy to apply makeup, or are you looking to make your makeup last a lot longer? You might be considering something more permanent like cosmetic tattoos to make all of these problems disappear, but then you are wondering if it’s going to be a safe option from a medical perspective.

If you have thoughts about whether it is safe to use cosmetic tattoos, here are some things you need to know. This will help you determine whether it is safe enough for you and, of course, the right option for you. 

How Do Cosmetic Tattoos Work?

Cosmetic tattoos work by using a pen that contains iron oxide to tattoo the skin and create the makeup outlook you want. This means that your eyebrows, lipstick, or eyeliner designs are recreated to give you a perfect look (based on what you want). 

Is it safe to have cosmetic tattoos?

Getting cosmetic tattoos is completely safe. You just need to make sure that your cosmetic tattoos are handled by professionals with a lot of experience. Some of the best things to look out for when searching for a professional cosmetic tattoo artist are:

  • Their credentials.
  • How long they have been handling cosmetic tattoos.
  • If they can provide pictures of their previous works.

You get all of these and more at nofilterbeauty, where high-quality ink and medical-grade sterilization kits are used. With proper consultation and understanding of your skin type, you get the best results.

What are the risks of cosmetic tattoos?

As far as needles are involved, there is always a risk of infection, especially if these needles are not properly sterilized. Another risk attached to the use of cosmetic tattoos is if the body reacts to the inks used, leading to keloid scars. All of these problems with infections and adverse reactions can all be prevented by working with professionals from nofilterbeauty.

Are there any side effects?

When getting cosmetic tattoos, there might be minor side effects and bleeding, but this is based on the client. For example, clients who constantly take blood thinners might experience slight bleeding with the possibility of bruising, but this does not occur every time. You might also experience a certain level of tenderness on the lips, but this only occurs for a few days as well.

Bottom Line

When it comes to the safety of cosmetic tattoos from a medical perspective, it is completely safe to get. There are a lot of Ts to cross and Is to dot, but the bone of contention is that all of these are sorted out when it is done using the professional services of nofilterbeauty. From consultation down to the point when cosmetic tattoos are applied, you can rest assured that you are in safe hands, knowing that there will be no complications after your cosmetic tattoo has been completed. Feel free to contact us by email, Instagram, live chat, or phone to set up a consultation. You can also go to our “Book Online” page to get started.

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