How to Create a Classroom Rules Poster (And What to Put on It)

Introducing classroom rules is a fundamental part of keeping a calm and organized working environment. Rules help students to feel safe and give an objective to work towards. 

Before implementing any rules, the best way to keep your students focused is to create a classroom rules poster. Decorating with a poster is the most successful way to help them visually understand each rule and keep students engaged. Especially as over 60% of the population find visual learning more effective. This also teaches younger students how to deal with different situations now, and as adults.

However, it can be tricky figuring out which design works best for each workroom environment.

If you’re not sure where to start, keep reading to find out more on how to create a classroom rules poster and what to put on it.

How to Create a Classroom Rules Poster

The first step is to work out how the poster needs to look. A good inviting design encourages student participation. Using bold, easily readable and eye-catching text is important. The choice of imagery should be relevant to the classroom environment, alongside a bright color palette.

Including a productive slogan or call to action allows students to feel like they’re part of a team. Make sure to place the poster in their direct view, it’ll be easier to remember and difficult to ignore. 

There’s a huge range of websites available that are dedicated to providing creative classroom rule poster templates for teachers. Making it simpler to find a free online design site that works for you.

Below are a few examples of different types of rules to promote good student behavior.

Be Kind

The objective is to ‘be kind’, but by breaking down each title into parts students have a better understanding of what each rule entails.

This can cover overall behavior towards others which emphasizes anti-bullying, showing respect towards teachers and staff, as well as playing fairly and taking turns.

Be Polite

Focusing on manners is an important aspect of classroom etiquette. When teachers address the class, students should raise their hands and not speak over teachers or other students.

Politeness also covers the use of ‘thank you’ and ‘please’, introducing these early improves developmental growth and social behavior.

Keep Things Organized

In small classrooms, workspaces and play areas can become unorganized quickly. By introducing this rule into the classroom rules poster, students learn to tidy up after themselves in the school environment and even at home. 

This teaches students to take care of what they bring from home and the school property.

It’s not always an easy task keeping things organized, be sure to take a look at the different approaches to organizing a classroom.

Ready to Start Creating Your Own Classroom Rules Poster?

Now that you have the basics, try out a few different ideas and see what students respond to the best. Encourage them to create their own rules, but set boundaries so students have a clear understanding of how to behave and what is acceptable.

Above all, if the classroom environment is positive, students will enjoy attending school and be more inclined to learn.

To explore further, check out our other blog articles.

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