FAQs About Erectile Dysfunction Answered

It is something that most men don’t want to talk about and may even feel embarrassed about mentioning.

However, as almost 10 out of 10 men will experience it at one time or another, it needs to be spoken openly about to reduce the shame and the associated stigma. Erectile dysfunction, also known as ED, is when you cannot keep your penis erect for long enough to engage in sexual intercourse. 

As you can imagine, if you haven’t experienced it, this can be exceedingly worrying. Yet, the more you know, the better the outcome. So, here are the answers to 5 commonly asked questions about erectile dysfunction.

Is Erectile Dysfunction Normal?

In a word, yes. Men of all ages experience erectile dysfunction at one time or another, and it can be associated with anything from feeling stressed to feeling tired or being on medications, such as antidepressants or beta blockers.

However, if you have recurring erectile dysfunction, it is worth talking to your doctor or urologist. They may be able to prescribe you ED medications, like the ones of chemistclick.co.uk, or, depending on other health issues, they may refer you for further testing.

Is It Permanent?

Depending on the cause, ED is usually manageable or indeed reversible with medication and/or surgery. 

There are also lifestyle factors that can help to reduce the prevalence of ED in your life, such as reducing smoking, drinking alcohol, exercising more, and working on your mental health and well-being.

How Do I Know I Have Erectile Dysfunction?

As stated before, many men suffer from ED at one time or another, but to be clinically diagnosed with it will require it to be impacting your life very regularly. If you are struggling to get an erection, maintain an erection, or are struggling to feel in the mood for sex with your partner, you may be suffering from erectile dysfunction and should seek medical advice.

Are There Exercises That Can Help?

Yes, there are.

The most used ones involve pelvic floor muscle activation. These involve taking controlled breaths and squeezing the muscles for three seconds, and then releasing as you exhale. This aims to strengthen the muscles around the penis, to build up strength and use. 

Many other kinds of pelvic floor exercises can help, so talk to your doctor or urologist for more advice. 

As mentioned before, there is a link between erectile dysfunction and health, specifically weight, so it is well worth working on your cardiovascular health as well when aiming to reduce the incidence of erectile dysfunction.

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Can It Lead to Infertility?

There may be similar causes of both male infertility and erectile dysfunction, but the two are not intrinsically linked. If you have both, the most likely cause is low hcg testosterone levels, which can be boosted with injections.

For example, male infertility is caused by a low sperm count, which can be present even if you can maintain an erection. You could also have a regular sperm count but may be suffering from ED. So, it’s always best to see your doctor if you have concerns about either ED or fertility.

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