Casino Etiquette 101: 5 Tips For Your First Casino Visit

Going to the casino for the first time can be exhilarating. Casinos are places of entertainment, and the management works hard to foster a safe and fun environment for everyone. As a first-time visitor or player, you can quickly get ahead of yourself and forget rules set in by management.

Once that happens, people around you will get offended. Since money is at stake, fights can easily break out of minor conflicts. This situation is what casino management works hard to avoid. Other times, first-timers often get reprimanded and end up in an embarrassing situation.

To avoid being in a similar situation, here are some do’s and don’ts to consider if it’s your first time visiting the casino.

Picking the Games to Play

For beginners, it’s always good to pick a game that’s easy to learn. Slots, roulette, and keno are some of the easiest to play, and they’re absolutely a lot of fun. With slots, you get a chance to win big prizes with just one cent. After that, you’re just sitting down and enjoying slots without having to risk all of your money.

For a more relaxing game, keno can be your choice. The game is made to play while sipping on some drinks, if you play roulette, you’ll have better odds, especially if it’s European roulette. Roulette is also one of the easiest games in the casino. Just put a bet on where you think the white ball will land. After placing your bets, just wait for the dealer to spin. Roulette tables have the right mix of calm and excitement, perfect for beginners.

smoking, or even while you’re playing other games. Just pick a number on the card and wait if your numbers get picked. Keno is just like a small lottery played in a room.

Always Be Courteous

Whether you’re a shark or a small fish in the casino, always be courteous with the people you’re interacting with. And be patient. If you think there’s a dispute on the table, don’t shout your way to get attention. Instead, calmly inform the dealer of the dispute. In more serious disputes, your dealer will call on the floor manager to assist with the situation. Remember, don’t force your way to get a situation to favor you.

The floor manager or the pit boss’ words are final. If the ruling doesn’t benefit you, don’t make a scene. You’re only going to make it worse for yourself as security can be called in and remove you from the premises. If the ruling does favor you, accept it in a calm way. Don’t rub the decision in other people’s faces, as it can also get you kicked out of a game, table, or even the casino.

Knowing the Ins and Outs of a Particular Game

Depending on the game you’re playing in the casino, there may be unwritten rules that you need to observe. If you’re not sure, ask your dealer, or you can wait a turn before playing. For example, it’s considered good etiquette in baccarat if everyone at the table plays against the banker.

In poker, it’s bad etiquette to act out of turn as it can disrupt how players “feel” and play the game. Remember, each game has these “unwritten rules,” so make sure to keep an eye out for it.


Although tipping isn’t a requirement, always be mindful of giving out tips to dealers, waiters, waitresses, and attendants. Although they won’t impact your hands, these people do many things to make your time at a table more fun and enjoyable. Tipping is a way to say “thank you.” In addition, a dealer can give out friendly tips for beginners such as yourself.

Dealers can also help unruly players away from tables, making it a better experience for everyone. Considering that these people are paid less, giving a tip when you get a big win wouldn’t hurt.

 A tip can be any amount; there’s really no set value to it. Even if it’s $1 or $100, it’s really up to you. Personnel will be thankful for whatever amount you tip them. After all, what’s a $100 tip compared to a $30,000 pot you can win with a friendly dealer?

Don’t Get Drunk

Casinos can offer alcoholic drinks but always keep in mind to keep the alcohol in your stomach and not towards your head. It can get easy to have fun while gambling and drinking, but your drunken behavior can be annoying and offensive to the people at your table.

You can enjoy a night at the casino with a few drinks but just act responsibly. Dealers and floor managers will not hesitate to kick out rude, drunk players who are causing a commotion at the tables.


Casinos are good places to have fun. However, it can be easy to get lost in the moment if you’re having fun. Remember to follow the rules to avoid getting kicked out of the casino or having everyone rudely stare at you.

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