3 Ways on How to Collaborate With Your Remote Team on Sharepoint

In today’s technological business world, more and more businesses are turning to remote teams to get the job done. While this can be a great way to get work done, it can also be challenging to collaborate with teams across the globe. You know collaboration is key to success if you manage a remote team.

So, what are the best ways to collaborate with your team when you’re not in the same room? SharePoint is an excellent tool for remote collaboration. Sharepoint provides a great platform for teams to collaborate on projects and share documents.

What Is SharePoint?

SharePoint is an emphatic document management and storage platform that integrates natively with Microsoft Office. It has revolutionized the way businesses work by allowing for collaborative editing of documents across dispersed teams.

SharePoint can be used for collaborative workflows within Microsoft Office. This includes managing projects, working on documents, and securely sharing files. Additionally, SharePoint integrates with other Microsoft applications such as Lync and Outlook so that people can easily communicate with each other.

SharePoint can be used to manage anything from office files to marketing material. Additionally, it offers features such as identity synchronization, version control, and search capabilities. Whether you’re just beginning or need an uprise, SharePoint is an excellent option for your business!

Benefits of Using Sharepoint

SharePoint Online has several advantages and is intended to enhance productivity and collaboration. It is affordable and simple to manage. There is nothing extra to administer because SharePoint Online is a web-based application housed in Microsoft’s cloud environment.

Your business is not required to make hardware purchases or add any new software.

This platform for collaboration is quite adaptable and serves a variety of purposes. It can be operated as an inner website to exchange files, manage documents, schedule tasks, and update corporate news and information.

SharePoint Online is a cloud-based platform, so all you need is a web browser and an internet connection to view files from any location and device. Due to this advantage, teamwork is booming, and productivity is increased while on the go.

Office 365 offers a web-based tool called SharePoint Online for quick collaboration based on documents and files. However, many users still choose to edit documents saved in SharePoint using the local file explorer.

You can use Office 365 to access SharePoint through File Explorer on a Windows 10 computer. Benefits of using the SharePoint migration tool to synch the contents of the document library in SharePoint to your local PC. You may easily retrieve documents saved in SharePoint Online. This is how to use SharePoint with Microsoft teams.

3 Ways Sharepoint Helps You to Collaborate With a Remote Team

Sharepoint is a web-based application that helps organizations share and manage documents and other information. It can be used to collaborate on projects with remote teams. Sharepoint makes it easy to track who is working on what and to keep everyone on the same page. It can further be used to store and share files, which can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection.

1. Plan Your Project

One of the most enormous benefits of using a SharePoint team site is that it makes project planning easy. By creating a team site for your project, you can keep all the information about your project in one place.

You might want to go over the rules for working on remote projects in addition to standard project planning. Some things to think about are:

  • A timetable for both team and private meetings.
  • Hours for all team members to overlap.
  • All video meetings can be conducted via webcams.
  • When to use phone calls, chat, or email.

To get started, create a new team site by going to the SharePoint home page and clicking on the “Create Site” button. You will then be encouraged to enter a name for your team site. Select a location (or use the default site collection), and choose which groups you want to include in your project. Once you’ve accomplished this, click on the “Create” button to start planning your project!

If you’re working with a remote team, taking advantage of features like chat and file sharing will help you stay connected and collaborate effectively. Chat lets you communicate directly with other team members. At the same time, file sharing makes it easy for them to access the files they need while working on your project.

2. Track and Act Together

So, how does SharePoint and teams work together? When working with a remote team, Sharepoint is an invaluable collaboration tool. It lets you track and act on tasks with reports and documents so that everyone knows what needs to be done and where it is in the process.

One of the great features of Sharepoint is its tracking feature. This allows you to see which tasks have been completed, the ones still in progress and the ones that have been left unattended. This helps you keep track of deadlines and ensure everyone is simultaneously working on the same project. You can also use this information to create reports that show all aspects of your team’s work together.

Sharepoint also makes it easy for teams to communicate and share files. You can attach files directly from your computer or upload them using the Upload Now feature. This way, everyone can easily access all the needed files without having to email them around or store them on different servers.

Overall, Sharepoint is essential for managing a remote team – whether you’re a small business or a large organization. Thanks to its easy-to-use platform and powerful collaboration features, you’ll be able to keep everyone on track and ensure smooth sailing from start to finish. This is how teams and SharePoint work together.

3. Collaboration of Microsoft Teams

The hardest part of working in distant teams is forming connections with and getting to know coworkers. In an office context, it is much simpler to ask a question at the “water cooler,” grab lunch with coworkers or knock on an open office door. It is more complicated whenworking remotely.

It is pretty simple to instantly connect with coworkers, get answers to inquiries, and exchange information with group chat platforms like Microsoft Teams. Teams allow group or individual discussions and video conferencing, as was already noted. Also, you can designate channels solely for private communication—a digital watercooler.


There are numerous methods to collaborate with your remote team on Sharepoint. By using the tools and features available, you can work together on projects and tasks efficiently and effectively. With some planning and communication, you can ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goal.

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