Jobs in Bangkok

There are numerous jobs in Bangkok. It is no secret that having visited the Kingdom of Thailand several times, many want to stay in this country longer and try themselves in the local labor market. Eternal summer reigns here, and the people are so polite and benevolent that Thailand is not in vain called “the land of smiles”. In addition, many legends are passed from mouth to mouth about how easy it is to make a living in this country. Yes, it is not difficult to get a job in Thailand if you find an illegal job. But then you should expect big trouble if you are found. Finding a formal job, on the other hand, takes time and dedication. In addition, the Kingdom’s policy has recently been aimed at limiting the employment of foreigners, and it becomes more and more problematic to leave for Thailand for a long time.

How to look for a job in Thailand

Official employment in Thailand very often involves entering the country with a work visa, for this you need an invitation from the employer. Therefore, start your search for vacancies in advance, even before crossing the border of the “land of smiles”. The easiest and most problem-free way is to use the services of special firms and agencies. They will study your career, analyze your skills and education, and take into account not only the capabilities, but also the wishes of the customer. In addition, these agencies will provide a list of vacancies that may interest you. Their services are not limited to this: intermediary firms will also deal with the preparation of the necessary package of documents.

Self-employment in the Kingdom

But what if you decide to find a job in Thailand on your own? There is also an option to look for work directly on the spot. To do this, you need to remotely register with an international recruiting agency in Thailand. It will send you an invitation itself. Then you will not only be granted a work visa, but will also be allowed to work in Thailand for three months from the time of your entry. A recruiting agency will help you, selecting a vacancy right in the country. You can also find out about job fairs on the spot, where there is a wide range of employers and an accelerated interview opportunity. Typically, fair locations are advertised in the Bangkok Post.

Employment in Thailand is seen by many as a heavenly life, where you can combine vacation and earning money.

Job Opportunities for Foreigners in Thailand

The global economic crisis and various political problems hit the Thai economy quite hard. The unemployment rate has skyrocketed in the Kingdom. Now the citizens of the country are not always lucky with employment. Unsurprisingly, the government is trying to curb the influx of foreigners who apply for jobs and keep jobs open for the local population. These are highly qualified specialists – mainly programmers, guides at hotels and translators from foreign languages ​​into Thai and vice versa, English teachers. You can also get a job as a specialist in logistics, booking and selling tickets and places in hotels. There are newspapers and magazines that are published for Russians and are looking for employees. Having a higher education with an applicant for a vacancy will always serve as a big plus.

Prohibition on professions

But a very long list of professions prohibited for foreigners appeared. This includes all trades related to manual labor (jewelers, masons, carpenters, silk workers, and so on). Foreigners also cannot work as drivers, sellers, commercial agents and cashiers, hold positions related to finance, audit and accounting, auctions, brokerage, construction, law, management. It is forbidden to get a job as designers, stylists, cosmetologists, cooks and waiters, guides and tour guides. And this is still an incomplete list of all vacancies where foreigners are ordered to enter. For failure to comply with this law, you can pay a large fine, or even go to jail.

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