How to Successfully Organize Photos on Your Mac Computer

If you’re like 85% of Americans, you probably own a smartphone. And, if you do, there’s a good chance you use it to take all sorts of pictures. 

Many people then transfer their photos to their computer to save them and view them later. But what happens when your photo library starts to get a bit full? You need to take steps to get it under control.

Today we’re going to look at exactly how to organize pictures on your Mac computer. By the time you finish reading, you’ll know exactly what to do. 

Read on to learn more.

Delete What You No Longer Need

This might sound obvious, but many people put off deleting pictures until their photo libraries are ready to burst. Make a point to clear out redundant and unnecessary photos immediately after you take a succession of shots. 

It’s also worth going back through your photo album now and then to see if you can delete any old photos. There’s a good chance you’ll stumble upon some pictures you can delete that you didn’t know existed! 

Create Albums

Albums are another great way to take control of the photos on your Apple computer. Try making albums for different events—your vacation from last year, the family get-together you had last weekend, etc.

When you’re looking for your photos after taking them, putting them in albums will make finding them a breeze. 

Use Smart Albums

While you can create albums yourself, iPhones and Macs can often do the dirty work for you. Next time you’re in your photo library, see if Apple provides you with any smart album recommendations.

These can center around events, locations, and several other factors. After your computer makes the album for you, you can tweak it by adding or removing additional photos. 

Make sure to get rid of any duplicate photos, though. These tips can help you do that!

Use iCloud

If you’re not using Apple’s cloud-based storage program, you’re missing out. iCloud is one of the best ways to store photos (and even other files) off of your physical hard drive. 

Apple provides its users with a free storage plan. That said, if you have a lot of photos, you might want to consider paying for a plan that provides you with additional storage. 

Organizing Photos on Your Mac Computer Made Easy

If you’re someone who takes a lot of pictures, you need to find a way to organize them all. Doing so will let you find them easier and also ensure that you don’t slow down your computer.

Use this guide to help you organize all your photos on your Mac computer. By following the tips mentioned, you’ll be able to get control of even the most expansive photo libraries. 

Are you looking for more tips on how to sort photos on your laptop computer? If you are, make sure to check out the rest of our site for more great content like this.

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